Sara's Top 10 Sites To See

1. Angkor Wat

The Ancient Temples of Angkor Wat are most definitely number 1 on my list of Top 10 Sites to See, and they are definitely not to be missed! I visited these incredible temples back in march 2017, and nothing has stuck with me more than this. The air around these ancient ruins is so peaceful and calm, yet there is a sense of excitement and sheer awe lingering there.

I would recommend you get up before sunrise and arrange for a tuk tuk driver to show you around for the day. I paid my driver 18 Dollars for the whole day, and he simply drove me to each temple and waited for me while I took my time exploring and climbing and eventually ripping holes in my trousers. Which reminds me! Make sure you’re dressed decently as these are holy buildings and you will be refused entry if you’re not covering your chest and knees! That goes for men and women alike.

The crowds of tourists can sometimes be unbearable but if you learn to walk in the opposite direction then you will find yourself alone amongst the ruins with only monkeys for company. I could have sat there for days on end just listening to the birds and chirping in the distance.. the sun on my face and a calmness within me. Unfortunately I only bought a day pass so I had to rush through the whole lot, so if you have the time and you love exploring old ruins and pretending to be Lara Croft, then go ahead a splash out on the 3 day pass!

2. Temples of Luxor

Despite being half Egyptian and spending every summer of my childhood in Egypt, I actually never visited any of the sites until my 21st Birthday! My dad took us on a cruise down the Nile River, and it 100% changed my view on the same old boring streets of Egypt that I was used to.

Luxor itself was wonderful. The temples have so much history literally carved into them, that it is hard for anyone to get bored! Again, I would recommend getting up at the crack of dawn to take a hot air balloon ride and watch the sun rise over the mountains of Luxor. It was the most magical experience and one I have yet to re-create since.

Bring a hat and sun tan lotion because BOY does it get hot! However, I promise every drop of sweat is worth it!

3. Semuc Champey

Oh those beautiful blue waters, I dream of them often. Being in the jungle is right at the top of my happiness list, so when I arrived at my hostel in Guatemala after a 45 minute drive out into the wilderness, I was over the flipping moon!! No wifi, no electricity.. just a cocoa farm and this gorgeous turquoise blue river.

The hike up to the viewpoint is not the easiest, especially for an asthmatic like myself, but it was well worth the embarrassment of 8yr old children skipping past me up the stairs! The view is quite literally breathtaking once you make it to the top. And what better than going for a dip down into the pools and discovering underwater tunnels between them to cool off afterwards? Perhaps floating down the river in a rubber ring right back to your hostel?!

I ended up staying here longer than I had planned as I just couldn’t bare to leave this wonder behind. Hostel Utopia is a heavenly escape into the wilderness, but if you’re after a more luxurious stay then I recommend the Zephyr Lounge which has its own pool!

4. Norwegian Fjords

I’ve always had a fascination with the Scandinavian countries of the world.. but nothing draws my attention more than Norway and the Viking history. I first visited Trondheim in winter 2016 with my best friend and instantly fell in love before the plane even landed.

The fjords are just something else entirely. Not only are they stunning to view from 38483900 feet* in the air.. but also up close and personal.

I simply HAD to return to Norway to visit some friends I made whilst backpacking in Cambodia, and so in January 2018 I flew out to Bergen. This tiny little place is actually the second largest city in Norway! Once again the views of the mountains and the fjords took my breath away.

I have yet to see the northern lights though so maybe another trip further up north is on the cards for the future?!

*Not an accurate measurement

5. Manuel Anotnio Nature Reserve

I didn’t get to see much of Costa Rica, but what I did see made all the difference. Myself and my backpacking buddies spent the day at Manuel Antonio Nature Reserve back in 2014 and it was like visiting a zoo.. except all the animals were wild and there were no cages in sight.

In just a few hours I had been up close and personal with Spider Monkeys, Racoons, Iguanas, Sloths, GIANT Spiders, Deer, Humming Birds and more! I felt like I was in an episode of Planet Earth and the only thing that would have made the day better would be if Sir David Attenborough himself, (my all time favourite human and hero), had been there to narrate and tell me fascinating facts about all the animals, trees and wildlife. But alas, our day out was not being filmed by the BBC.

The park is so vast and has so many nooks and crannies and secret beaches to explore than you do in fact need an entire day to soak it all up. Make sure you’re ready with swim suits and towels as there are plenty of beaches to sunbathe on and soak up all the rays!

6. Volcanos in Nicaragua

So, this doesnt count as a ‘site’ as it were, but it certainly counts on my top 10 places to go to. My first ever camping trip just so happened to be at the top of an active volcano in Nicaragua.

The hike up to the crater took about 3 hours in total, most of it vertical climbing, and omg I have never experienced the sweat like I did that day. I think I lost about 3 stone just from sweat alone!

It was the most exciting experience, reaching the crater just as the sun was setting to watch how the colours spread across the sky, dipping in and out of the mountains and volcanos in the distance. I’m not afraid to admit that I cried real tears out of sheer overwhelming joy.

The night itself ended up being far more intense than expected but that is a whoooole other story so stay tuned for a post all about machettes, wild horses and how I thought  I was going to die!

7. Ha Long Bay

Although there are so many parts of Vietnam that really stood out for me, I HAD to choose Ha Long Bay as THE site to see. Most tourists stay in the Ha Long area, but by chance I ended up staying in a neighbouring city called Cat Ba.

As always, I ended up befriending a group of fellow travellers staying at my hostel and the Cat Ba crew set out on a boat trip around Ha Long Bay! The colour of the water is worth going there alone, never mind the towering cliffside’s and rock formations with luscious greenery growing from every possible surface. Most boat tours include some form of lunch and a stop at one of the beaches, and ours was no different. We all sat together below deck for a traditional meal of rice and stir fried veg, before heading our onto the waters in kayaks.

We did actually have photos taken by another member of the group but they never made it to my email inbox so my memories will just have to do! Paddling through those waters, through caves and into coves.. it was 100% pure bliss.

8. Casa Battlo

This wonderful peice of art was build in 1877 according to a single plaster model designed by the famous artist Gaudi. The design is so unique that I had zero qualms about paying the entrance fee to see the inside (24 Euros Online). Every window, wall and cubby hole had been thought out and there wasn’t a single angular corner in sight.

The entire home was designed and inspired by the ocean, so every window frame, ceiling, tile and doorway is curved and coloured and mimicked an underwater cove.

Upon entry you’re handed an interactive audio guide which takes you through the house room by room with a live view of how it would have looked during Gaudi’s lifetime. It was simply fascinating. For someone to create such a building, but also for the architects who had nothing to go on but the one and only plaster model of the house!

9. Palace of Versaille

My only trip to Paris was actually on a school trip back in 2005?! I feel old now thinking about how long ago that was! The palace of Versaille has always had quite an impression on me. The detail of the french architecture, the romanticism that still lives within the city and the delicate french accent all came together at this magnificent palace.

There is a magic all around France in general but if there was once place I would have to go and visit this would be the one. I remember walking down the ‘ Hall of Mirrors’ and just.. the feeling is indescribable! So much happened within those walls, and it honestly makes me think ‘If only the walls could talk’.

As a romantic myself it is hard to not be drawn in by this wonderful palace and the extensive gardens that surround it. I rarely go back to visit places more than once, but for this I would make an exception.

10. Pyramids

No list of my would be complete without the addition of the Pyramids of Giza. They are after all, a part of my heritage, but also a wonder of the world.

Every time I visit I am still amazed and puzzled as to how these incredibly tall stone tombs were built. Being inside them is a whole other experience entirely and I can only warn people not to be as cheeky as I was when climbing the pyramids as at least I am able to speak fluent arabic and talk my way out of it when the angry guards come to scold you! They are very precious about preserving these ancient wonders, and rightly so!

The oldest pyramid ever to be built was covered in wooden scaffolding the last time I went to visit and it stuck me just how devastating it would be to lose such a magnificent and physics defying piece of Egyptian history.

..and there you have it!

My top 10 sites to see from around the world! Of course this list is based on places I’ve already been to, so this will be updated as I discover more.  What are your favourite sites around the world? Leave your comment below and let me know! Or if you have suggestions of where I should travel to next, leave those too 🙂