Travelling alone is something I got into from a very young age. At 13 I flew solo from Heathrow Airport in London, to Cairo in Egypt with a connection in Amsterdam Airport. For a child, you would have thought this would be too scary, crowded and dangerous, but I was absolutely in my element. I knew where to go, what to do, how to get to my gates etc. I loved every second.

Now that I’m a grown up (yes believe it or not!), there are certain things I would have told my younger self to keep in mind when travelling solo… and not just solo.. but solo and female. I yearn for a day where my gender doesn’t mean taking extra precaution and fearing rape, attack, kidnap etc, but unfortunately we are still miles away from then.

1. Have Confidence In Yourself

You’ve made it to your destination and now its just you and the world. You know you can do this, and frankly, it’s the only choice you’ve got! Trust yourself to take control and navigate your way through foreign countries. There is a reason you chose to do this solo, so take hold of the reins and jump right in! Get out of your comfort zone and go try new things!!

2. Sleep Around!

No I don’t mean like that, but if thats what you choose then please at least be safe! What I actually meant was try out all the different options while you’re away. Hostels, Home Stays, Air B&B .. try them all! You meet so many people in hostels and 90% of the time will make friends for life. It opens up opportunities to explore new places with a group of people rather than alone, as well as cheaper deals on group tours. There are thousands of solo travellers just like yourselves, all on their own adventure. Get out there and don’t be afraid of mixing with other groups!

3. Forget Stranger Danger!

People are not as scary and horrible as the media makes them out to be. Get to know the locals. Talk to the children. Listen to their stories and you will find a whole new world open up right before your eyes. Don’t be afraid of asking for help or for directions. Most people will gladly help you on your way and offer tips and recommend local restaurants or sites for you to check out.

4. Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

Always know your escape route, regardless of the situation. Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel quite right then don’t go. Travelling solo means you’re an easier target so keep this in mind and keep yourself SAFE.

5. Eating Alone Isn’t As Scary As You Think

So many people I know absolutely HATE eating out alone and would rather go hungry than sit in a restaurant and order a meal for one. If you are one of those people then you are going to have to get over that pretty sharpish! Get comfortable in your own company and don’t shy away from eating alone! Take a book with you, or if you’re like me, get started on writing a travel journal! Make use of all your tickets and cards from hostels and put them all in a journal for later.  Take the opportunity to connect to some free wifi and update your family and friends on your adventure. Maybe write a few post cards? Use this time to be exactly who you are and take comfort in your own presence.

6. Choose Your Own Path

Just because everyone else is going somewhere doesn’t mean you have to. You get to choose what you want to do and when. That’s the beauty of solo travelling. 9 times out of 10 when I travel I purposefully go in the opposite direction to the tourists so that I can experience my surroundings on my own. No crowds pushing me, no-one walking into my photo shots, no time limits or waiting around for anyone. If you aren’t interested in seeing a particular site, don’t waste your money on it just because someone else told you they enjoyed it. This is your chance to do YOU.

7. Always Have A (Rough) Plan

I am the absolute worst at planning and would rather just wing it and figure stuff out along the way. However, I know I am capable of doing so and this isn’t exactly my first rodeo. Take time to plan a few steps of your journey in advance so that you’re never at a loss. You don’t necessarily need to stick to it if something else comes along, but it is always good to know what is available and where. Do your research. How much should this cost? How can I get from A to B? Is it acceptable to haggle here? etc. Being organized never hurt anyone!

8. Don’t Be Silly & Reckless

People make a living from stealing from tourists, scamming and overcharging. Avoid situations where you could get into trouble. Taking taxis alone at certain times, going on dodgy tours, and wandering the town alone at night are all questionable and reckless choices. It opens you up to being robbed, getting lost or generally putting yourself into unpredictable situations. Take someone with you if night markets are your thing. Don’t do stupid things just for the thrill. Wear your bike helmets and don’t flash your electronics/money in public. 

9. Know Your Drink Limit

Everyone likes to enjoy a drink or two on holiday but when you only have yourself to look after you, you cannot risk getting so trashed that you lose all your belongings. Even ‘friends’ you have made will leave you at some point, so don’t let yourself get too drunk as this leaves you open to be taken advantage of, get lost, have your stuff lost or stolen etc. and it simply is just not worth it.

10. Take As Many Photos As You Can

Being photography mad, I’m never without a camera in my hand. That being said, I have to keep reminding myself to take a step back, put the camera down and stop living my adventure through a lens. Balance is everything. Don’t be afraid to ask people to take photos of you and with you. You will look back on these for years to come. If you are taking photos of locals, always make sure to ask for permission, and if possible, buy something from their stall or donate some money as a thank you. You will make their day, if not their week! 

Have you ever travelled solo? Got a trip coming up soon?

Share your tips and tricks in the comments below!