Here at we want to make sure your experience on the internet is as enjoyable and rewarding as possible, and want you to use the internet’s vast array of information, tools and opportunities with complete confidence.

This privacy policy (‘the Privacy Policy’) discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for this website. We will notify you of changes to our Privacy Policy by posting the new policy on this website. Review our Privacy Policy regularly so that you can stay informed of our practices, as they may change in the future.

By visiting our website or sending us information, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy. Your assent to these practices is essential for us to continue operating this website, including the variety of information and services it contains. Similarly, we need you to provide accurate personal information so that you can be contacted and, if you purchase anything, so that we can complete the transaction. You can opt-out and decide not to provide the requested personal information. However, by doing so, you will not receive the information, product, and/or service you are requesting.

The personal information we collect can include your name and e-mail address. Other personal information that you submit is clearly labelled at the time you submit it. We use the information that we collect to provide our services, fulfill any purchase you may have made, send you our newsletter, contact you regarding new promotions, and to improve our site.

When submitting any information on our website you expressly authorise us to use your personal information as explained in this privacy policy, and you consent to receiving commercial email from me, Sara Akl (Mila Roo) and our partners who you have chosen to sign up for information. You can expect to receive newsletters, promotions, and other similar offers. Should you wish to discontinue receiving these e-mails simply unsubscribe using the link in the email you receive.

We automatically collect certain information from visitors to our website, such as Internet addresses browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), referring and exit page, operating system, time-stamps, and click stream data. We also track and analyse non-identifying and aggregate usage and volume statistical information from ourvisitors and customers. This information is logged to help us to diagnose technical problems, and to administer our site so that we can constantly improve it.

We also collect cookies to be able to re-market to you. When you visit our website, a cookie is being put on your web browser. This is for us to be able to show ads on different places on the internet on networks like Google and Facebook. If you want to opt out from these you can visit Googles ad settings. You can also visit Network Advertising Initiative opt out page.

If you pay for anything on our site using a credit or debit card, we only collect the personal information needed to complete the transaction. This information includes your name, card number, and other necessary information, all of which is clearly labelled on the form you use to submit payment. We use an unaffiliated, credit card processing company to process your payment. We transfer your payment information and you authorise us to do so to this company solely for this purpose. The company does not retain, share, store, or use personally identifiable information for any other purposes.

Anything you send us by e-mail or similar, post on our website, or use with our service, such as blog postings or videos, or if others send us anything about your activities or postings, We may collect such information into a file specific to you. We use this information to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, and enforce our customer agreements.

We take measures to prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of your information by carefully limiting access to the database in which your personal information is stored. We cannot ensure that all of your private communications and other personally identifiable information will never be disclosed in ways not otherwise described in this Privacy Policy. For example, we may disclose information to the government or third parties under certain circumstances, or third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications. We can (and you authorise us to) disclose any information about you to law enforcement or other government officials as I, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate in connection with an investigation of wrongful conduct. We may also (and you authorise us to) disclose personal information about you to credit agencies, collection agencies and/or merchant database agencies, as we deem necessary.

We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 18, nor do we knowingly distribute such information. If we become aware that we have inadvertently received personally identifiable information from someone under the age of 18, we will delete such information from our records. If we change our practices in the future, we will obtain prior, verifiable parental consent before collecting any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 18.

Contact us at the address below if you want us to change or delete any information that we may have about you. We will respond to your request to access, update, or delete your information within ten (10) business days. Before we am able to provide you with any information, correct any inaccuracies, or delete any information, however, we may ask you to verify your identity.

This website is owned and operated, or operated under agreement by: Sara Akl trading as ‘Mila Roo’ based in the United Kingdom.