
Desperate to get outdoors and go on an adventure, we packed up the car, doggos in tow, and drove out into the english countryside. There were loads of places that had been recommended, but we chose to stop at The Roaches, as it was supposedly dog friendly and we wanted the pooches to get some exercise and do some exploring too! 

Of course I brought my camera along and captured the best photo of my fiancés grown out dreadlocks in the wind ahaha.

Challenge 1: Parking

Driving out into the countryside is always great until you have to stop somewhere.. and then end up driving for another half hour hoping you come past a dip at the side of the road or a free parking spot! Nevertheless, I managed.. JUST! 

Watch The Cliffs!!

Mila being the excited little spaz that she is was desperate to explore every rock and cliff edge in sight, continuously giving me a heart attack!

She has such an adventurous spirit.. just like her mama! The views were worth the heart attacks and almost being blown off the edges! 

Picnic Break

No trip to the peaks is complete without squatting in some mildly damp grass/hiding behind some trees to shelter from the wind and unpacking your smushed picnic sandwiches and drinking scolding tea from an oversized flask.

Ofcourse the pooches thought the snacks were for them haha! Not today you scroungers! 

 My Goofball Fiancé

It’s rare that we get to spend days out together like this one, so it was an opportunity for me to capture every second of it! For someone who is ridiculously camera shy, he takes a pretty cute pic <3 

Overall we had a wonderful little family outing, however I would have liked to have let the dogs explore more and possibly let them off the lead, so maybe next time we’ll go somewhere less cliff-y and more open field-y! Do you have any dog friendly country day out suggestions for us?!